Who are you?

I love the TV show, “Who do you think you are?” They usually have celebrity guests as the focus. They trace that person’s history. In some cases they have been able to trace it back to a native country – Ireland, England, or Germany. They have even been able to trace ancestry back to specific countries in Africa, which is amazing given the slave trade and the fact that very few records were kept.

But I am talking about how you identify yourself.

At family reunions we often say that we are ‘so-and-so child’ as a way to help identify yourself. Or if there is strong family resemblance, you could easily identify people.

It is interesting, in business people are driven to identify individuals also. I worked in marketing and that is driven by demographics and targeting the right audience. We often needed to segment our marketing by income levels, by gender, or by race. We occasionally needed to segment geographically.

But who do you say you are?

Thankfully I can say that I am a child of God. He doesn’t segment me. But exactly what does that mean?

I am not defined in God’s eye by my occupation. I am not defined in God’s eye by my marital status. I am not defined in God’s eye by my income. I am not defined as an African American or as a female. But because I believe in a heavenly, holy father, his son Jesus Christ who died on the cross and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I simply define myself as a child of God.

Romans 10:11-13 As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile –the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

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